Michelle Lucey-Roper
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Michelle Lucey-Roper

Learning Technologies Project Manager
Federation of American Scientists
1717 K St. NW
Suite 209
Washington DC
20036 USA

Michelle Lucey-Roper is the Learning Technologies Project Manager for the Discover Babylon Project and the Digital Promise Project at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington, DC. She has created and managed several technology projects and research initiatives that helped to improve public access to primary source materials. While working towards her doctorate on the interaction of word and image, Lucey-Roper researched and designed curricula for a wide range of subject areas and created new information resources. Before joining FAS, she worked as a librarian, teacher and most recently at the Library of Congress as a research associate. She earned her B.A. at Trinity College, Hartford, CT; her M.A at King's College, London; and received a doctorate from Oxford University.

Michelle will present Discover Babylon: Creating a vivid user experience by exploiting features of video games and uniting museum and library collections. [Paper]