Hetty Baiz
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Hetty Baiz

Manager, Project Office
Princeton University
Office of Information Technology
228 Alexander Street
2nd Floor
Princeton NJ
08540-7121 USA

Hetty Baiz is manager of the Project Office at Princeton University. She played a key role in the development and implementation of the office and the Princeton Project Management Methodology. Hetty facilitates the planning of IT and related projects, including academic, administrative and infrastructure projects; consults and mentors groups across the University in using Princeton's project management methodology; and leads project reviews. Hetty has recently facilitated and consulted with teams implementing web development and courseware initiatives, large information systems projects, capital campaign projects and smaller initiatives such as implementing a weekend concert and fundraising event. Hetty teaches workshops in project management at Princeton University. She received a BFA from Cornell University and an MBA from Columbia University.

Hetty will present Every Project Needs A Plan. [Mini-Workshop]