Slavko Milekic
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Slavko Milekic

Assoc. Prof. of Cognitive Science & Digital Design
University of the Arts
Art Education & Art Therapy
320 South Broad St.
Philadelphia PA
19148 USA

Slavko Milekic holds a medical degree (Belgrade School of Medicine) as well as Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology (University of Connecticut). His research interests include digital design, the psychology of human/computer interaction and building of WWW-based tools for knowledge transfer. Dr Milekic's innovative, child-friendly digital environment (KiddyFace) and "Gesture Gallery" have already been implemented in a museum setting. He is co-author and principal interface designer for the "Theory of Language", a CD ROM-based text (MIT Press, 1999). In 2005 he was granted a US Patent for an original way of interacting with digital content.

Dr. Milekic is frequently presenting at international conferences and leading workshops on educational uses of digital technology and innovative methods of human/computer interaction. He has been engaged as a consultant for the development of interactive digital environments by a number of institutions including the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Please Touch Museum, Phoenix Art Museum, Cleveland Museum of Art, Gulf of Maine Aquarium and Daimler & Chrysler Research Laboratory. He currently holds the position of an associate professor of Cognitive Science & Digital Design at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia.

Slavko will teach User-aware environments for museums. [Workshop]
Slavko will present Magic and Multimedia. [Mini-Workshop]