Shahar Katz
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Shahar Katz

The University of Haifa
Maritime Civilizations
Mount Carmel
31905 Israel

Shahar Katz is currently studying for a M.A. degree, in the Dept. of Maritime Civilizations, at the University of Haifa, Israel. Her research thesis, 'Multimedia Potential in Archaeological Museums', develops a methodology for the design of the content presentations in multimedia mobile guides. Shahar has both a B.A. in Archaeology and a Teaching Certificate from the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Over the years, she has taught extensively in both Museums and schools, gaining a wide knowledge of these learning environments.

Shahar will present Preparing Personalized Multimedia Presentation for a Mobile Museum Visitors' Guide: a methodological Approach. [Paper]