Lyde Spann
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Lyde Spann

Director of Direct Response, Retail
The Museum of Modern Art
11 West 53rd Street
New York NY
10019-5497 USA

Lyde Spann is the Director of Direct Response within the Museum of Modern Art's Retail Group, overseeing both the Mail Order Catalog and E-Commerce businesses, ( . Recent projects have included re-defining the Mail Order creative and marketing strategy by integrating more Museum branding associations, re-launching the site to meet industry-standard merchandising and convenience shopping benchmarks, and launching an in-store name capture program to grow email marketing opportunities for retail and the Museum. Prior to working at MoMA, Lyde was responsible for branding and launching, a subsidiary of Williams-Sonoma Inc., and grew this channel of business to an unprecedented 60% of total brand sales. Lyde has a BA from the University of North Carolina, with a major in Art History, and a minor in International Studies.

Lyde will present and The Crossover. [Paper]