Cesare Rocchi
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Cesare Rocchi

Research Consultant
The Cognitive and Communication Technologies Division
Via Sommarive, 18
Povo Trento

Rocchi Cesare holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Bologna. He actually works at the Cognitive and Communicative Technology Division at ITC-Irst (Trento, Italy). His research interests are mainly focused on adaptive multimedia systems and related fields (human computer interaction, user centered design and evaluation). Recently he has worked on the design and implementation of systems for the dynamic generation of Video Documentaries for mobile intelligent user interfaces, within the framework of the PEACH project.

Cesare will present Preparing Personalized Multimedia Presentation for a Mobile Museum Visitors' Guide: a methodological Approach. [Paper]