Ilenia Graziola
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Ilenia Graziola

Communication Technologies Division
Via Sommarive 18
Povo Trento
38060 Italy

Ilenia Graziola is studying cognitive psychology in Italy and has been at the ITC (Trento, Italy) since 2004, working on evaluation, text authoring and adaptivity for multimedia museum guide. In particular she is working on various research aspects related to evaluation and supporting of the developing of Intelligent User Interfaces, Context Awareness and Content Preparation. This work is conducted in the framework of the collaboration between the University of Haifa (Israel) and ITC-irst.

Ilenia will present Preparing Personalized Multimedia Presentation for a Mobile Museum Visitors' Guide: a methodological Approach. [Paper]