Bert Degenhart Drenth
March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Speakers: Biography

Bert Degenhart Drenth

Managing Director
ADLIB Information Systems
Reactorweg 291
3542 The Netherlands

Bert Degenhart Drenth is the Co-founder and Managing Director of ADLIB Information Systems B.V. He studied electronic engineering for two years at the technical university in Delft and then started to become more interested in software design and implementation. In 1982 he joined a non-profit government funded organisation called MARDOC which promoted the use of computers in museums in the early 80's. In 1986 Bert joined Databasix Computer Systems to start a subsidiary office in the Benelux. In 1991 after the parent company lost interest in the niche market of library and museum automation Bert performed a management buy-out with some co-workers to form what has now become ADLIB Information Systems B.V.

Bert Degenhart will teach RFID: Promise and Problems. [Workshop]