March 22-25, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico



X-Presenter Service is an innovative solution primary tailored for meeting and events. It enables the digital video recording of any event, the real time video indexing and the production and delivery of a pre-defined amount of digital supports (CD/DVD/Pen drive/other) to the audience immediately after the conclusion of the event.

Speeches, presentations, round tables and other activities can be video recorded and handled through a proprietary software that enables the final users to friendly browse the video, leveraging features such as multi-language system, synchronized double video, other supportive video contributions. it can be acquired as a turn-key service or as a product. This technology will be experimented at the Museums & the Web conference 2006.


Paolo Paolini
Full Professor
Politecnico di Milano
Electronics and Information
Via Ponzio 34/5
Milan Lombardy
20133 Italy