April 11-14, 2007
San Francisco, California

Scholarships and Volunteers

Scholarships ensure representation from around the world at MW2007. Volunteers can 'trade' helping out for free registration.

Professional Scholarships

New and innovative accomplishments on the Web come from all kinds of organizations throughout the world. Archives & Museum Informatics recognises that many individuals who make significant contributions to the World Wide Web would be unable to attend MW2007 without some financial assistance. Competitive scholarships covering full conference registration and a full day of workshops are awarded to a select number of applicants. Professionals from the developing world are strongly encouraged to apply.

Congratulations to the winners of the Professional Scholarships.

  • Enkhnaran Sundev, National Museum of Mongolian History, Ulaanbaator, Mongolia
  • Meredith Greiling, Aberdeen Maritime Museum, Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Carolina Zuluaga, Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República, Bogato Columbia
  • Cao Bingwu, China Cultural Relics Newspaper, Beijing, China.

Community Contribution Scholarship

Once in a while someone creates a tool that could be quite useful to others, if they only knew about it. We want to make sure that Museums and the Web is a venue for sharing resources, so Archives & Museum Informatics created a scholarship to recognise a contribution to the museum Web community.

Congratulations to the winner of the Community Contribution Scholarship.


Museums and the Web offers complementary registration to students and professionals from small institutions in return for assistance with on-site conference administration.

All Volunteer Positions are now filled.