Speaker: Michael Jenkins
April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Michael Jenkins

General Manager, Collections Information Planning
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Office of the Director
1000 Fifth Avenue
New York NY
10028 USA

Michael Jenkins is General Manager for Collections Information Planning at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. In this role, he advises the Office of the Director on policy and projects that make information about the museum’s encyclopedic collection available through digital networks. Prior to working in his current position, Jenkins managed a comprehensive initiative to preserve and protect the Met's archive of digital images through a secure centralized repository for the storage, management and distribution of images. He has spoken and written about topics including digital asset management in the museum space and improving access to collections online. Jenkins serves on the RLG Programs Collections Sharing Working Group, the CDWA Lite Advisory Board, and is a member of the steering committee of steve, an open source project investigating the usefulness of social tagging in the museum space.

Michael will present Agile Methods for Project Management. [Mini-Workshop]
Michael will demonstrate MuseTech Central, the MCN Project Registry. [Demonstration]