Speaker: Alexandra Sastre
April 9-12, 2008
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Alexandra Sastre

Business Development and Research Coordinator
Night Kitchen Interactive
411 South 2nd Street
Suite 200
Philadelphia PA
19147 USA

A 2005 graduate of Swarthmore College, Alexandra holds a B.A. in Art History with a minor in English Literature. While at Swarthmore, Alexandra had the opportunity to spend a semester studying abroad in Paris, completing Comparative Literature and Art History coursework at the Sorbonne as well as at the NYU Paris center in the fall of 2004. During the summer of 2004, she also participated in the summer internship program at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, working with the department of External Affairs to develop an initiative program for children of low-income families throughout the city to become acclimated with the PMA. Before joining Night Kitchen Interactive in 2007 as the Business Development and Research Coordinator, she assisted at John Alexander Ltd., a fine furniture and decorative art gallery, in Chestnut Hill, PA, specializing in British Arts and Crafts period works.

Alexandra will present The Art of Storytelling: Enriching Art Museum Exhibits and Education through visitor narratives. [Paper]