April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Workshops: Description

Intro to Drupal for Museums

David Henry, Missouri History Museum, USA

Drupal is an open source content management framework that allows for rapid development of very customizable Web sites serving a wide variety of content. Originally developed in 2001, Drupal now powers tens of thousands of Web sites worldwide - including Yahoo, Novell, Forbes Magazine, Popular Science, Amnesty International, The United Nations, and Harvard. In this workshop, I will share how and why we at the Missouri History Museum built a new public web presence using the Drupal Framework in combination with the Content Construction Kit and Views modules.

Workshop Objectives: After attending this workshop, participants should know enough about Drupal to decide whether it would make sense to start building a Drupal based Web site for their own institutions and they will know where to find the resources they need to help them complete a Drupal installation.


Part 1: How to install and configure Drupal

  • Basic install and initial setup
  • Managing users
  • Managing modules
  • Finding help online
  • Hands on exercise

Part 2: The Drupal Theming System

  • Installing themes
  • The PHPTemplate Theme engine
  • Customizing your theme
  • Hands on exercise

Part 3: The Content Construction Kit

  • What is CCK and why is it important?
  • Installing CCK and creating your first custom content type
  • Extending CCK with additional modules
  • Hands on exercise

Part 4: The Views module

  • What is the Views module and why is it important?
  • Installing Views and creating your first custom view
  • Using Views in combination with CCK
  • Hands on exercise

Prerequisites: Participants should be experienced building Web sites with HTML, CSS, and javascript. Participants should have some familiarity with PHP.

Notes: Participants should bring a laptop with XAMPP and Drupal already installed.

Workshop: Drupal Introduction [Morning]

Keywords: cms, Drupal, open source, PHP, content management, framework