April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Sessions: Abstract

The Quilt Index Goes 2.0: A Fiberspace Case Study   go to paper

Marsha MacDowell, Michigan State University Museum, USA
Dean Rehberger, Michigan State University, USA
Justine Richardson, Michigan State University, Canada
Amanda Sikarskie, Michigan State University, USA
Mary Worrall, Michigan State University Museum, USA

This case study examines the establishment of a wiki for The Quilt Index, a public and scholarly resource on quilts built through participation of contributors, including museums and libraries that hold quilts, quilt documentation records, and other quilt related materials in their collections. The paper presents the results of project planning, technical installation and customization, pilot set up and initial content population; also finding an information structure that works for audience needs, networking with community individuals and organizations, identifying the learning curve and providing training for the userbase, launch and response. This case study of a wiki addition to an on-line collection will be valuable to any museum professional in the process of or interested in launching a wiki on an institution’s Web site.

Session: Wikis and the Expanded Museum Community [Social Media]

Keywords: Web 2.0, wiki, quilts, usability, community, on-line collaboration, digital repository