April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Workshops: Description

Podcast Production: From Concept to Delivery - FULL

Ted Forbes, Dallas Museum of Art, USA

This workshop is full.

The podcasting revolution has taken the Web by storm, and the internet has forever changed traditional broadcast rules and methods. From personal podcasting to corporate communications, everyone is getting into the game. Museums have a wealth of resources and assets that can be mined to provide rich, quality content for visitor consumption, but many struggle with building and sustaining the high-quality content base needed to attract and retain viewers. Audiences are growing more sophisticated, and simply repurposing existing content into a podcast is not necessarily enough anymore.

This half-day workshop will take participants through aspects of audio and video podcast production. From concept to pre-production, post-production to delivery, participants will be ushered through all steps needed to create high-quality podcasts with limited resources.

Topics covered:

  • Story-telling techniques
  • Producing engaging interviews
  • Content delivery options
  • Microphones techniques
  • Audio production
  • Video cameras and format options
  • Video editing and post-production
  • Motion graphics
  • Lighting
  • Compressing your content for delivery
  • Developing an audience
  • Making your podcast sustainable

What will I do in the workshop?

We will begin by focusing on production techniques for both audio and video podcasts. We will take a hands-on look at professional tools such as Logic and Final Cut Studio as well as less expensive options like Garage Band and iMovie. We will discuss recording devices and equipment, lighting options, accompanying assets such as motion graphics, greenscreen, and branding. We will then analyze a sample podcast from start to finish and discuss how it was produced. We will close by discussing delivery methods and how to attract and maintain an audience.

Participants will be given a workbook and access to a Web site with all materials discussed.

Workshop: Podcast Production [Afternoon]

Keywords: podcast, content production, content delivery, greenscreen, video, audio, arts network