April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Demonstrations: Description

Combining all the resources on the BCCKS: Easy way to create on line brochures of events

Junko Iwabuchi, Keio University, Japan

The "BCCKS" (pronounces as "books") is a web service that enables us to give attractive presentations in a visual format reminiscent of paper magazines. Their website as a whole is constructed as in the representation of a virtual book store with 7 stories with each floor designated for different themes and subjects and the "roof top" is reserved for the most popular and new arrivals. The BCCKS is a service operated by a commercial provider in Tokyo, however one can subscribe to the service for free as long as you accept to display the advertisements of art and design conscious advertisers pre-selected by BCCKS operators who alternatively become the sponsors of your web content.

The Research Institute for Digital Media and Content, Keio University has been working in close relationship with cultural institutions in Tokyo area by letting them use the original video distribution platform "VOLUMEONE" in last 3 years. At the same time, the institute has been exploring and testing various free web services that may be suitable to enhance educational programs at museums and cultural institutions.

In September 2008, the Research Institute for Digital Media and Content, Keio University and BCCKS, Inc. came to an informal agreement to explore usage of the magazine template offered by BCCKS, Inc. and two parties choose to document the 2 days conference in January, 2009 at Keio University by using this platform. The magazine templates are easy to manage both texts and visual resources on line and it could be a convenient solution for under staffed cultural institutions to keep records of their special events and educational activities up to date.

In this demonstration, various magazine templates are introduced and the examples of "books" and a "book center" concept will be explained by showing the actual "book center" dedicated for a conference at Keio University.

Demonstration: Demonstrations 1 [Close Up]

Keywords: templates, online-brochure, visual management, photographic resources, community, social bookmark