April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Demonstrations: Description

Museum Pipes: A Yahoo Pipes Data Integration Experiment

Piotr Adamczyk, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA

I've been putting together some experimental Yahoo Pipes (a mashup/aggregator tool) that connect Museum website and collection information to web APIs. I went with Yahoo Pipes since I thought the platform would lend itself to sharing and quick experimentation. I wanted to explore the quality and character of the results of API calls when provided with really minimal object metadata - just artist name for example.

I've put together a blog with screenshots of output (since many of the pipes need API keys) and minimal commentary. Some of the pipes are rigged to take user input, some are automated and hooked to the Metropolitan Museum's Artwork of the Day Feed.

For example:

A small federated search system -

A pipe that along with Dipity creates a timeline for search results -

Demonstration: Demonstrations 1 [Close Up]
