Speaker: Marsha MacDowell
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Marsha MacDowell

Michigan State University Museum
Michigan State University
West Circle Drive
East Lansing MI
48824-1045 USA

Marsha MacDowell is curator of folk arts at the Michigan State University Museum and professor, department of art and art history, Michigan State University. She has had 30 years of experience working with development and implementation of exhibition, education, publication, and collection projects related to the documentation and presentation of traditional arts, especially that of women and particularly in the realm of quilting. She serves as the coordinator of the Michigan Traditional Arts Program (a partnership of the MSU Museum and the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs) and regularly works with MATRIX: Center for Humane Arts and Letters Online on a variety of research, education, and public service projects.

Marsha will present The Quilt Index Goes 2.0: A Fiberspace Case Study. [Paper]