Speaker: David Schaller
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

David Schaller

1776 Iglehart Avenue
St. Paul MN
55104 USA

As eduweb’s founder and principal, Dave Schaller is responsible for the overall creative direction of the company and the perpetual quest for the sweet spot where learning theory, digital media, and fun meet. Since 1996, he has been developing award-winning digital learning games and interactives for museums and educational organizations around the country. He is currently leading development of several 3D learning games including WolfQuest, funded by the National Science Foundation. He recently completed an NSF-funded research study examining children's learning styles and digital interactives. He has written many papers exploring digital media and informal learning and co-authored a chapter about digital learning games in The Digital Museum, published by the American Association of Museums. He has an M.A. in Geography and Museum Studies from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in Humanities from Macalester College.

David will present Learning in the Wild: Evaluating WolfQuest’s impact on game players. [Paper]