Speaker: Rob Stein
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Rob Stein

Chief Information Officer
Indianapolis Museum of Art
4000 Michigan Road
Indianapolis IN
46208-3326 USA

Mr. Robert Stein is the Chief Information Officer and Director of Museum Information Systems at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Mr. Stein has been heavily involved in developing and deploying public uses of technology in the museum and online as a way of informing and engaging museum visitors with art. A long time proponent of unique interface technology, Mr. Stein joined the museum in 2006 after spending several years as the Assistant Director of the Visualization and Interactive Spaces Lab, one of the Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University. His research there involved the integration of scientific visualization practices with novel human computer interface technologies in support of the communication of information from a variety of scientific and artistic domains. Prior to joining Indiana University, Mr. Stein served as a Senior Visualization Specialist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois. There, Mr. Stein developed custom visualization software for domain specialists. Over the years Mr. Stein has been actively involved in both creating and deploying a variety of open source software systems for use in his work. Most recently he serves as Technical Lead and Steering Committee member on the steve.museum open source project supporting social tagging for art museums.

Rob will present Museums and Cloud Computing: Ready for Primetime, or Just Vaporware?. [Paper]
Rob will present a close up look at Tour: Indianapolis Museum of Art. [Close-Up]
Rob will present Seeking Balance in the Online Video Landscape. [Mini-Workshop]
Rob will present Steve in Action: Social Tagging Tools and Methods Applied. [Mini-Workshop]
Rob will demonstrate ArtBabble: A High Quality, Cloud Based Video Platform for Art Content. [Demonstration]