Speaker: Bert Degenhart Drenth
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Bert Degenhart Drenth

Managing Director
Adlib Information Systems BV
Safariweg 18-22
Maarssen Utrecht
3605 MA The Netherlands

Bert Degenhart Drenth is the Co-founder and Managing Director of ADLIB Information Systems B.V. After a couple of years of electronic engineering at the technical university in Delft he started to become more interested in software design and implementation. In 1982 Bert joined a non-profit government funded organisation called MARDOC which promoted the use IT in museums. In 1986 Bert joined Databasix Computer Systems to start a subsidiary office in the Benelux. In 1991 Bert lead management buy-out with some co-workers to form what has now become ADLIB Information Systems B.V. Bert has also been active in a number of related organisations, such as CIMI an the European Museum Information Institute. Adlib Information Systems provided Collection Managemewnt Systems to over 500 museums.

Bert will lead Programming the iPhone/iPod touch for your museum. [Workshop]