Speaker: Corey Timpson
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Corey Timpson

Lead - Interface, Architecture, Design
Canadian Heritage Information Network
Portals Management and Design
15 Eddy Street
4th floor
Gatineau QC
K1A OM5 Canada

Corey Timpson leads the Architecture and Design Group at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). He is responsible for information architecture, interface, experience, and graphic design related to CHIN's professional web site, the Virtual Museum of Canada, and all software development projects. In addition, his duties include leading visual design and creative conceptualization services for web, print, and multimedia.

Besides his responsibilities at CHIN, Corey designs and authors print, web and multimedia material, and consults on HCI projects for various private, non-profit, and government organizations and works on personal digital art and photography projects.

Corey has a B.A. in Law and English from Carleton University, and a Post-Graduate Diploma in Interactive Multimedia from Algonquin College.

Corey's current research interests focus on design considerations to enhance computer-human interaction and user experience. Through 2008 and early 2009 Corey has been busy leading the redesign of the Virtual Museum of Canada.

Corey will present Reaching School-based users with museum digital content: A comparative analysis of new initiatives in Australia and Canada. [Paper]
Corey will demonstrate Joe Fafard at the National Gallery of Canada. [Demonstration]