Speaker: Joe Hoover
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Joe Hoover

Web Designer/Developer
Minnesota Historical Society
Enterprise Technology
345 Kellogg Boulevard West
Saint Paul MN
55102 USA

Joe Hoover is a web designer/developer for the Minnesota Historical Society working on (among other things) usability, accessibility, e-marketing and their social web presence. In his past life, Hoover was a community organizer for different neighborhood associations in Saint Paul, Minnesota, a web and interactive worker bee for an assortment of companies and agencies, as well as a nationality syndicated political cartoonist on GLBT issues. Hoover's interests are in interactive media, museum marketing, community development, local history and cultural anthropology. Hoover resides in a little Minneapolis suburb, doing community building experiments on unsuspecting locals and neighbors.

Joe will present Collaborative History - Creating (and Fostering) a Wiki Community. [Paper]