Speaker: Alessandro Inversini
April 15-18, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Speakers: Biography

Alessandro Inversini

University of Lugano
Newmine Lab
Via Buffi 13
Lugano Ticino
6900 Switzerland

Expert in new technologies for communication, web quality, design and promotion of web applications, with a strong attention to the end users. Main focuses on tourism and cultural heritage fields. This expertise has been acquired both in academics and professional environments. Alessandro Inversini has a Masters in Communication Sciences and Communication Technologies in 2004; he works as researcher at TEC-LAB (www.tec-lab.ch) and NewMinE Lab (www.newmine.org), at the School of Communication Science (University of Lugano - www.unisi.ch). His research activity primarily deals with usability, quality and new technologies of communication in cultural heritage tourism. His PhD research concerns the qualitative design solutions in the technological communication in the field of cultural tourism. He also worked as instructional designer at the eLearning Lab (www.elearninglab.org) where he worked on three Swiss Virtual Campus projects. Now he is visiting Bournemouth University (6 Months) and Temple University (6 Months) thanks to a grant from the Swiss National Research Foundation.

Alessandro will present City Treasure: Mobile Games for Learning Cultural Heritage. [Paper]