April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Sessions: Abstract

Conveying Culture Heritage and Legacy with Innovative AR-based Solutions   go to paper

Dr. Manfred Bogen, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Institute for Media Communication), Germany
Matthias Krauss, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (institute for Media Communication), Germany

Conveyance of cultural heritage and legacy should start as soon as possible in schools. In order to make teenaged students interested in this topic, innovative ways have to be found to arouse attention, interest and motivation. We have developed an Augmented-Reality-based teaching platform (ARTP) that we successfully used for educational purposes in European schools. Our solution not only is useful in schools, but can also be installed for museums visitors too to allow innovative and interactive access to museum collectibles.

We describe two possible strategies to bring AR into museums. The bottom-up approach is to bring the immersive potential of existing proven and robust technologies already in museums up to a reality augmentation level. The second approach takes the opposite direction: improving the robustness of fully featured AR technology currently existing in research labs up to a level of maturity that allows everyday use in museums. We illustrate both strategies by respective projects that we conducted.

Session: Actionable Research [research]

Keywords: virtual reality, augmented reality, technology-enhanced learning, interactive visualization systems, digital artefacts