Speaker: Sebastian Chan
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Sebastian Chan

Head of Digital, Social & Emerging Technologies
Powerhouse Museum
Digital, Social & Emerging Technologies
500 Harris St
Sydney NSW
2007 Australia

Sebastian Chan leads the Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies department at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney. His teams include the museum’s web unit, audio visual and photography, rights & permission and the photo library, the research library and Thinkspace, the Powerhouse’s digital media teaching laboratories. He is a researcher in several Australian Research Council Linkage projects researching social media, museums, and technology; and speaks internationally about the use of cutting edge technology in the cultural sector. He is on the international programme committees of Museums and the Web (USA), Digital Strategies for Heritage (Eu), the Horizon.Au New Media Consortium, and is an International Steering Committee member of Culturemondo, an international group of representatives of cultural portal strategists. Seb is also a member of the Australian Government’s Government 2.0 Taskforce examining ways of improving citizen engagement with government and opening access to public sector information. Seb writes the popular Fresh & New(er) blog, leads a parallel life in electronic music and art, and has a very sweet tooth.

Sebastian will lead Better web metrics. [Workshop]
Sebastian will present Spreadable collections: gaining insights from educational cut & paste. [Paper]
Sebastian will lead Planning Social Media in Museums - FULL. [Workshop]