Speaker: Daniel Incandela
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Daniel Incandela

Past Director of New Media
Indianapolis Museum of Art

Daniel Incandela led the award-winning New Media team at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Beginning in 2004, he built the department from the ground up; creating a team with a reputation as innovators in the field of museum technology. Under his leadership the team created dynamic content on YouTube, Flickr, Facebook, and iTunes in addition to IMA developed sites such as the IMA Blog. All of these projects feature fresh approaches to digital content delivery that bridge the gap between art and its viewers.

Daniel will present ArtBabble: A year’s worth of lessons learned and thoughts about collaborative content platforms. [Paper]
Daniel will demonstrate TAP: A Hybrid CMS-Mobile Tour Architecture for multi-platform interactive content. [Demonstration]