Speaker: Dan Michaelson
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Dan Michaelson

Linked by Air
17-23 East Broadway, 504B
New York NY
10002 USA

Dan Michaelson and Tamara Maletic are the graphic design partnership Linked by Air. Design and technology are intertwined inventive processes in the studio's work, which often focuses on the production of public space, both physical and online. Dan previously worked at the design firms Pentagram and 2x4. He holds a BA in history from Columbia University and an MFA in graphic design from Yale. He is on the faculty at Yale, where he teaches the studio courses Networks & Transactions 1 and 2 to first- and second-year graduate students, and a second-year graduate thesis studio. In 2004, Linked by Air was awarded a Charles Nypels grant for research on community-built embedded digital sign systems.

Dan will present Barn-raising: Building a Museum Website Using Custom Wiki Tools. [Paper]