Speaker: Dina Helal
April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA

Speakers: Biography

Dina Helal

Manager of Interpretation and Interactive Media
Whitney Museum of American Art
Education Department
945 Madison Avenue
New York NY
10021 USA

Dina Helal is the Manager of Interpretation and Interactive Media at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York City. Before venturing into web content development in 1999, she oversaw school, youth, and family programs in the Whitney's education department. She holds an MFA from Pratt Institute, New York, and a BA honors in studio art and art history from Leeds University, England. Prior to joining the Whitney, Dina was assistant director at BACA Downtown, an exhibition and performance space in Brooklyn, New York.

Dina will present Barn-raising: Building a Museum Website Using Custom Wiki Tools. [Paper]
Dina will demonstrate whitney.org: a wiki-based web site. [Demonstration]