April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA


ADLIB Information Systems


Adlib Information Systems have automated the collections of numerous museums, libraries and archives over the past two decades. By listening carefully to the specific requirements of our customers, and by applying cutting-edge technology, we are able to continually improve our software.

We put emphasis on open systems and international standards. The result: software that is exceptionally easy and pleasant to use, and a rapidly growing number of customers.

Adlib Information Systems was one of the first, if not the first, vendor that recognized that archives, libraries and museum have an important common ground. This resulted in a unique approach of one core application for all three domains, with respect for the specifics of each domain, and using the relevant international standards for each domain.


Bert Degenhart Drenth
Managing Director
Adlib Information Systems BV
Safariweg 18-22
Maarssen Utrecht
3605 MA The Netherlands