April 13-17, 2010
Denver, Colorado, USA


MW2010 featured a variety of sessions exploring all aspects of the creation, development, maintenance, and evaluation of Web sites in museums, cultural and heritage organizations.

Sessions provided an opportunity to present the results of research or summarize experience in a formal presentation, followed by a discussion. For more details about types of presentations see the Description of Session Formats.

All proposals were reviewed by the International Program Committee.

Sessions are listed chronologically below, or you can see an overview of the program.

Thursday April 15, 2010

9:00 am-
10:30 am

Grand Ballroom – 2nd fl

Opening Plenary

Chair: Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics, Canada

Introduction: Bruce Wyman, Denver Art Museum, USA

It's So Hard When Contemplated In Advance And So Easy When You Do It

Brad Feld, USA

11:00 am-
12:30 pm

Grand Ballroom – 2nd fl

Collections: Tag / Search / Deploy - Part 1

Chair: Susan Hazan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

Buckets and Vessels

Aaron Cope, USA

Hiding our Collections in Plain Site: Interface Strategies for "Findability"

Nate Solas, USA

Can Structured Metadata Play Nice with Tagging Systems? Parsing New Meanings From Classification-Based Descriptions on Flickr Commons

Joe Dalton, USA

11:00 am-
12:30 pm

Mount Elbert – HCC

Collaboration Outcomes - Part 1

Chair: Kevin von Appen, Ontario Science Centre, Canada

Protecting treasures: engaging communities and recreating narratives

Samuel Mann, Khyla Russell, New Zealand

Benedict Arnold Slept Here: New Life for Local History Online and In the Community

Steve Bromage, USA

A walk in the Park: The Balboa Park Online Collaborative 1 Year report

Rich Cherry, USA

11:00 am-
12:30 pm

Mount Evans – HCC

Actionable Research

Chair: Darren Peacock, Sweet Technology Pty Ltd, Australia

Annotators and Agents in a Web-based Collaboratory around Cartographical Collections in Cultural Heritage Institutions

Leen Breure, Sandor Spruit, Charles van den Heuvel, Hans Voorbij, The Netherlands

Gaze-tracking and museums: current research and implications

Slavko Milekic, USA

Promoting Positive Attitudes towards Museums and Art: A Case Study of the Use of Tate Kids in Primary Arts Education

Koula Charitonos, United Kingdom

Conveying Culture Heritage and Legacy with Innovative AR-based Solutions

Dr. Manfred Bogen, Matthias Krauss, Germany

Evaluating the online audience of a new collections website

Graham Davies, Dafydd James, United Kingdom

In Search of Novel Ways to Design Large Cultural Heritage Websites

Stefano De Caro, Nicoletta Di Blas, Luigi Spagnolo, Italy

Multimedia Communication Issues: Why, What and When

Paolo Paolini, Italy, Marco Franciolli, Elisa Rubegni, Switzerland

Educators, Curators and Docents: Creating Interpretive Resources based on Conversation

Beth Harris, Christina Olsen, Steven Zucker, USA

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Grand Ballroom – 2nd fl

Collections: Tag / Search / Deploy - Part 2

Chair: Susan Hazan, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

How to manage and build a web collections search project in a museum

Richard Morgan, United Kingdom

Van Gogh's Letters. Or how to make the results of 15 years of research widely accessible for various audiences and how to involve them?

Marthe de Vet, Marianne Peereboom, Edith Schreurs, The Netherlands

Spreadable collections: gaining insights from educational cut & paste

Sebastian Chan, Australia

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Mount Elbert – HCC

Collaboration Outcomes: Part 2

Chair: Kevin von Appen, Ontario Science Centre, Canada

Web-Supported Collaborations: Building, Evaluating, and Sustaining a Museum Partnership Network

Jes Koepfler, Brad McLain, Scott Sala, USA

ArtBabble: A year’s worth of lessons learned and thoughts about collaborative content platforms

Daniel Incandela, Rob Stein, USA

Recollection: Building Communities for Distributed Curation and Data Sharing

Eric Miller, David Wood, USA

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Mount Evans – HCC

The State of Open Source

Chair: Bruce Wyman, Denver Art Museum, USA

Connecting the Collection: From Physical Archives to Augmented Reality in the Netherlands Architecture Institute

Pepijn Lemmens, Henk Vanstappen, The Netherlands

New Technology in the Museum: a case study of three museums in the Fluid community working together

Jess Mitchell, Jutta Treviranus, Canada, Jennifer Czajkowski, USA

Developing Web Applications for Museum Professionals: A CollectionSpace Case Study and Status Report

Colin Clark, Canada, Dan Sheppard, United Kingdom, Carl Goodman, Patrick Schmitz, USA

Open Source Collaboration: New Models for Technology Development in the Museum Community

Laura Mann, Ethan Wilde, USA

3:30 pm-
4:15 pm

Grand Ballroom – 2nd fl

Unconference Session Pitches

Facilitators: Mia Ridge, Science Museum, London, United Kingdom and
Jennifer Trant, Archives & Museum Informatics, Canada

Got something you want to talk about? Pitch your idea, and get a group together for an unconference session. More details in the MW On-line Community.

4:15 pm-
5:30 pm


Unconference Sessions

Self-organized break-out groups will discuss current topics and issues. More details in the MW On-line Community.

Breakouts in: Grand Ballroom – 2nd fl; Maroon Peak; Mount Elbert; Mount Evans; Mount Harvard; Mount Oxford; Mount Princeton; Mount Wilson

Friday April 16, 2010

all day

Interactions take place all day on Friday, including Mini-workshops, Professional Forums, Birds of a Feather Tables, Exhibitor Briefings, the Usability Lab, and the Crit Room.

The Exhibit Hall is open all day.

Demonstrations take place all day.

5:15 pm-
6:30 pm

Grand Ballroom
– 2nd fl

Best of the Web Awards

A panel of museum professionals recognises the best work by museums on the web in the past year.

Saturday April 17, 2010

8:30am -
10:30 am


Interactions start the morning

11:00 am-
12:30 pm
plenary - social media

Grand Ballroom
– 2nd fl

Social Media: Reconstructing the Elephant

Chairs: Sebastian Chan, Powerhouse Museum, Australia and
Jane Finnis, Culture24, United Kingdom

Can Social Media Transform the Exhibition Development Process: Cooking the Exhibition - an ongoing case study

Wayne LaBar, USA

Cosmic Collections: creating a big bang

Mia Ridge, United Kingdom

Clearing the Path for Sisyphus: How Social Media is Changing Our Jobs and Our Working Relationships

Jeff Gates, USA

NaturePlus - Developing a Personalised Visitor Experience Across the Museum's Virtual and Physical Environments

Ailsa Barry, United Kingdom

Common Ground: a community-curated meetup, a case study.

Paula Bray, Australia, Ryan Donahue, USA

Small Towns and Big Cities: How Museums Foster Community Online

Dana Allen-Greil, Matthew MacArthur, USA

Can Twitter Save Bletchley Park?

Sue Black, Jonathan Bowen, Kelsey Griffin, United Kingdom

Flickr as platform: Astronomy Photographer of the Year

Fiona Romeo, Natasha Waterson, United Kingdom

The impact of blogs and other social media on the life of a curator

Erika Dicker, Australia

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Maroon Peak –
2nd fl

Wikis for Content Management

Chair: Karen Elinich, Franklin Institute, USA

Breaking the Bottleneck: Using pseudo-wikis to enable rich web authoring for non-technical staff members

Edward Bachta, Rob Stein, USA

Barn-raising: Building a Museum Website Using Custom Wiki Tools

Dina Helal, Brad Henslee, Dan Michaelson, USA

Putting Mallala on the map: Creating a wiki community with Now and Then

Darren Peacock, Australia

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Grand Ballroom
– 2nd fl

Mobiles: A Panel

Chair: Kate Haley-Goldman, Institute for Learning Innovation, USA

Old Masters at your fingertips: the journey of creating a museum app for the iPhone & iTouch.

Elena Lagoudi, Charlotte Sexton, United Kingdom

The iPhone effect?: Comparing visitors’ and museum professionals’ evolving expectations of mobile interpretation tools.

Loic Tallon, United Kingdom, Matthew Petrie, USA

Mixing Social Glue with Brick and Mortar: Experiments Using the Mobile Web to Connect People, Objects, and Museums

Jeff Doyle, Maureen Doyle, USA

The Museum Is Mobile: Cross-platform content design for audiences on the go

Nancy Proctor, USA

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Mount Elbert – HCC

Multi-Institutional Collaboration: Process

Chair: Conxa Rodà, Museu Picasso, Spain

ATHENA: A Mechanism for Harvesting Europe's Museum Holdings into Europeana

Monika Hagedorn-Saupe, Germany, Susan Hazan, Israel, Rossella Caffo, Italy, Georgia Angelaki, The Netherlands

Building an online research community: The Reciprocal Research Network

Tristan Goffman, Hannah Turner, , Nicholas Jakobsen, Ulrike Radermacher, Susan Rowley, Sivia Sadofsky, Andrea Sanborn, Dave Schaepe, Leona Sparrow, Ryan Wallace, Canada

1:30 pm-
3:00 pm

Mount Evans – HCC

Organizational Strategy

Chair: Timothy Hart, Museum Victoria, Australia

Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy: What it is, how we made it, and why it makes a difference

Michael Edson, USA

Think Globally, Digitize Locally: charting an institution’s course toward the digital social good

Brian Dawson, Canada

3:30 pm-
5:00 pm

Grand Ballroom
– 2nd fl

Closing Plenary: Reflections, Reaction, and Action

Chair: David Bearman, Archives & Museum Informatics, Canada

Bring your thoughts on where we are, where we've been, and where we should be going to this open discussion.

Be prepared to contribute: Highlight what you've heard at MW2010 that bears repeating, and share what you're going to act upon when you get home.