Archives & Museum Informatics








last updated:
November 30, 2017 12:56 PM

Collecting Software: A New Challenge for Archives & Museums

By David Bearman

Bearman, David. Collection Software: A New Challenge for Archives & Museums, Pittsburgh: Archives & Museum Informatics, 1987.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary (PDF)
Introduction (PDF)
I. The Domain of Software Collection
A. Software History as a Framework for Collecting
B. Applications as a Framework for Collecting
II. Collecting Policy & Selection Criteria (PDF)
A. International Organizations
1. Function
2. Funding Source
3. Sponsor
4. Computing Environment
5. Distribution
6. Development Approach
7. Ownership Restrictions
8. Design Theory
9. Business Arena
10. Social Impact

B. Criteria Based on Forms of Material

C. Criteria Based on History of Software
D. Criteria Based on Evidentiary Value
III. Extant Documentation & Its Sources (PDF)
A. Potential Repositories
B. Sources
1. Actors
2. Products
3. Social
IV. The Mission of Software Archive or Museum (PDF)
A. Distinction Between a Software Archive, A Software Library and An Archive of Software
B. Scope of the Software Archive
V. Users and Uses (PDF)
A. Users
B. Use
VI. A Planning Framework (PDF)
A. A Model
B. Software Operability
VII. Policy Formulation (PDF)
A. Collection Policy
B. Software Operability
C. The Law
VIII. Procedures
A. Procedures Governing Acquisition(PDF)
1. Solicitation
2. Terms of Gift
3. Accessioning Steps and Forms
B. Procedures Governing Collections Management
1. Conservation
2. Storage
3. Retrieval
C. Procedures Governing Access
1. Reference Procedures
2. Finding Tools
3. Reading Room Use
4. Loans
5. Copyright Procedures
D. Staff Procedures
1. Regular Staff
2. Affiliates
Appendexes: (PDF)
A. Job Description: Software Archivist/Curator of Software
B. Trelliswork for a Software Classification Vocabulary

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