Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

Attributes of Entities Depicted on Entity Model

Attributes are the characteristics or properties associated with each entity. Attributes have been defined for the entities "record" and "dossier".

In metadata development, entity attributes are tranformed into codes.

1. Attributes of RECORD

1.1 Attributes of GENERIC RECORD

The attributes listed below apply to records of all types.

1.2 Attributes of CATEGORY RECORD

The attributes listed below apply to only certain types of records. For example, the attribute "protocol number" applies only to incoming and outgoing records.

2. Attributes of DOSSIER

2.1 Attributes of GENERIC DOSSIER

The attributes listed below apply to dossiers of all types.

1.2 Attributes of CATEGORY DOSSIER

Attributes have not been defined for category dossiers.

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