Electronic Records Research 1997: Resource Materials

Compilation Copyright, Archives & Museum Informatics 1998
Article Copyright, Author

The Preservation of the Integrity of Electronic Records

Luciana Duranti, Principal Investigator
Terry Eastwood, Co-Investigator
Heather MacNeil, Research Assistant
School of Library, Archival & Information Studies
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.

Table of Contents

A. Project Overview

  1. Introduction
  2. Bibliography
  3. Objectives of Research Project
  4. Methodology
  5. Research Findings
  6. Collaboration with U.S. Department of Defense Records Management Task Force
  7. Comments and Questions concerning the Research

B. Glossary

C. Rules for Managing an Agency's Archival Fonds

D. Templates

  1. What is a record in the traditional environment?
  2. What is a complete record in the traditional environment?
  3. What is a reliable record in the traditional environment?
  4. What is an authentic record in the traditional environment?
  5. When is a record created in the electronic environment?
  6. When is a complete record created in the electronic environment?
  7. How is a record created reliable in the electronic environment?
  8. How is an electronic record guaranteed and/or proved authentic?

E. Activity Models, Applying IDEF Methodology to Represent Archival Science Concepts

A-0F Introductory Information
A-0 Manage Archival Fonds
A0 Node Tree
A0 Manage Archival Fonds
A1 Node Tree
A1 Manage Archival Framework
A11 Survey Records Creator & its Records
A12 Establish Archival Framework
A13 Implement Archival Framework
A14 Maintain Archival Framework
A2 Create Records
A3 Handle Records
A4 Preserve Records

F. Entity Model, Applying IDEF Methodology to Represent Archival Science Concepts
G. Attributes of Entities Depicted on Entity Model

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