
[A01E] - OVERLOAD. A therapeutic workshop on the use of human senses in museum hypermedia
Norbert Kanter, Zetcom AG, Germany
Dr. Harald Kraemer, die lockere gesellschaft - TRANSFUSIONEN, Austria

Workshop: [A01E] - OVERLOAD. A therapeutic workshop on the use of human senses in museum hypermedia

This full day workshop (Offered twice - one day in English, one day in German) will focus on use and misuse of hypermedia in museums and on the web. The "workers" in this workshop will step back, see and analyse examples of museum projects in order to develop ideas and discuss concepts for "human" multimedia applications.

Together we will develop the components for a successful hypermedia use as holistics approach like exciting dramaturgy, comprehensible navigation and inspiring interactivity. With this mixture the knowledge transfer will be amusing, stimulating as well as effective. Our aim is to lead the participants to find the soul of the subject, transfer it best possible with the tools of multimedia and create a distinctive product.

Harald Kraemer is Publisher, Producer and Director of hypermedia applications and Consultant for Museum Informatics. (die lockere gesellschaft - TRANSFUSIONEN Zurich / Vienna)

Norbert Kanter is Web Strategist and Developer of Museum Management Systems. (die lockere gesellschaft - TRANSFUSIONEN Berlin)

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See for further details, and past Proceedings.


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Ecole du Louvre

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