
Experienced professionals offer in-depth training at pre-conference workshops September 8-9, 2003.

Workshops are listed chronologically below, or you can see an overview of the program for Monday or Tuesday.

Monday September 08, 2003
Monday Full Day Workshops

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A01E] - OVERLOAD. A therapeutic workshop on the use of human senses in museum hypermedia

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A02] - CYBORG et Platon Même Poétique : Génèse d'une installation multimédia

Morning Workshops

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A03] - Une Visite Virtuelle et Historique : Réalisation d'un CD-ROM grand public utilisant les technologies de panoramas 360o interactifs.

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A04] - L'impact des stratégies internet des institutions culturelles un atout pour la modernisation de leurs systèmes de gestion organisationn

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A05] - Informatiser une collection : la charrue avant les boeufs!

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A06] - Codage de documents textuels anciens avec TEI : du manuscrit ½ l'imprimé

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A08] - Curating, Presenting and Preserving New Media Art

September 8, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A09] - EROS - Base de données scientifiques en ligne

Afternoon Workshops

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A10] - Musée, Médias, Médiation

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A11] - Pourquoi et comment créer un Établissement public de coopération culturelle?

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A12] - Ecriture et Scénario Interactifs

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A13] - Les fondamentaux du Streaming. Digital Media, du téléchargement au streaming.

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A14] - La qualité sur le Web, une expérience à vivre ! / Quality Online Experiences - Get Engaged!

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A15] - Interfaces haptiques pour espaces publics / Haptic media interfaces for public space

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A16] - Streaming media

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A17] - Numérisation directe de manuscrits médiévaux chinois et tibétans provenant de Dunhuang

September 8, 2003

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A18] - Techniques de numérisation 2D et 3D au Laboratoire de Recherche des Musées de France

Tuesday September 09, 2003
Full Day Workshops

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A01D] OVERLOAD. Ein therapeutischer Workshop zur Entdeckung des Menschlichen in musealen Hypermedia Anwendungen

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A20] - Usability testing for project managers

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A21] - Beyond kiosks: multimodal interactions with museum content

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day


September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
5:00 PM

full day

[A23] - Immersive Virtual Reality / Réalité Virtuelle Immersive

Morning Workshops

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A24] - Introduction to XML

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A25] - Designing usable web sites: a requirements-driven approach

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A26] - Designing and producing digital replicas of cultural heritage artifacts

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A27] - Enterprise Information Architecture for Cultural Institutions: the Collection, the Exhibition, and the Web

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A28] - L'auto-édition électronique: usages et patrimonialisation du CD enregistrable

September 9, 2003

9:00 AM-
12:30 PM

half day

[A29] - ANTENNA AUDIO Master Class : The Wireless Museum/Le musée sans fil

Afternoon Workshops
1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A30] - XML Document Transformations with XSLT

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A31] - Museums and the Strategic Choice of Interactive Interpretive Tools

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A32] - ANARCHIVE: archives numériques sur l'art contemporain/digital archives on contemporary art

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A33] - Integrated Concepts for Museum Applications: combining digital storytelling with user experience design

1:30 PM-
5:00 PM

half day

[A34] - Listen to a web site: how to make web site accessible to people with visual disabilities

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See for further details, and past Proceedings.


Archives & Museum Informatics ichim03 @
Ecole du Louvre

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