
Paul Kahn
Information Architecture Consultant
35 Avenue Junot
75018 France
Email: paulkahn@wanadoo.fr

Paul Kahn is currently an independent consultant in Paris. Previously he was president of Dynamic Diagrams (d/D), an information design firm specializing in the mapping of knowledge and the presentation of information on the computer screen. Since its founding in 1991, d/D has worked with art, history and science museums (Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Science Museum of Minnesota), major companies the fields of hardware (IBM, Silicon Graphics Inc., Sun Microsystems) and software (Inso, Netscape Communications), publishing (Forbes, Encyclopedia Britannica, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill), and financial service (Merrill Lynch, Wellington Management Company), creating analysis reports, visualization of information collections, web site architecture and design, and user interface design. Paul has worked with text processing systems since 1977. He taught interactive design at Rhode Island School of Design.

Paul will teach [A27] - Enterprise Information Architecture for Cultural Institutions: the Collection, the Exhibition, and the Web

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/ichim.html for further details, and past Proceedings.


Archives & Museum Informatics ichim03 @ archimuse.com
Ecole du Louvre

ichim03 @ ecoledulouvre.fr