
Sebastian Sauer
Dipl. Media Designer, CEO
ion2s - buero fuer interaktion
Bleichstrasse 26
64283 Germany
Email: sebastian.sauer@ion2s.com

Sebastian Sauer is founder and head of the user interaction company "ion2s – buero fuer interaktion" (engl.: ion2s - office of interaction) Darmstadt, Germany, which is specialized in the concept, design and development of multimodal user interfaces for interactive software and appliances. He studied Media System Design at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt and finished his thesis in the field of dynamic user interfaces for mobile information appliances. Since 1998 he worked as a user interface consultant, conceptionist and designer for well-known companies and design agencies and has publicised and accomplished workshops in the field of conceptmanagement, internet for kids, media competence, envisioning information and intercative media. During his activities he has coined the principles of the "Transforming User Interface®", "Kids Innovation®" and of momuna®.

Sebastian will teach [A33] - Integrated Concepts for Museum Applications: combining digital storytelling with user experience design

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See http://www.archimuse.com/conferences/ichim.html for further details, and past Proceedings.


Archives & Museum Informatics ichim03 @ archimuse.com
Ecole du Louvre

ichim03 @ ecoledulouvre.fr