
[A33] - Integrated Concepts for Museum Applications: combining digital storytelling with user experience design
Stefan Göbel, Computer Graphics Center
Sebastian Sauer, ion2s - buero fuer interaktion, Germany

Workshop: [A33] - Integrated Concepts for Museum Applications: combining digital storytelling with user experi

Introduction & Workshop Structure

The workshop consists of three parts and will provide an overview of existing approaches and integrated concepts for museum applications: In the first part the authors will introduce into the thematic field and present a state-of-the art analysis taking into account both technical and application-oriented aspects. Based on these presentations and technical aspects, integrated concepts of DinoHunter as mobile application scenario within museums combining digital storytelling with user experience design will be described in detail. Finally, the audience will be invited to discuss current trends and obstacles for the development of integrated concepts and applications for museums.


From the technical point of view, databases, mobile information systems, networks or graphical user interfaces are basic components for content storage, information access and presentation as well as man-machine interaction. Based on these global aspects, current trends and research work are focused on narrative environments, digital interactive storytelling techniques, multimodal interfaces, mixed reality platforms or game-based learning environments.

From the application and design-oriented point of view, further aspects such as digital appliances, user interface design, user experience, pedagogical issues or collaborative environments combining different users and user groups such as school classes and web-visitors are taken into account.

Apart from these technical and conceptual issues, economic factors are important for museums: Here, visitor monitoring and usability studies help to get feedback and measure the success of exhibitions or individual artifacts. Further on, integrated concepts between exhibitions and eShops are considered.

Application Examples - DinoHunter

In the second part of the workshop, some elected approaches for different types of integrated concepts and application scenarios for museums will be discussed within the audience of the workshop. This includes approaches such as Telebuddy (s., Lux of Markus Bader, virtual guides for museums or mixed reality platforms for digital information booths or information kiosks.

Especially, DinoHunter will be introduced as a mobile game-based edutainment application for museums providing pedagogical/teaching and entertainment/gaming aspects. Here, different technical and design-oriented concepts are integrated and summarized to an integrated concept.

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See for further details, and past Proceedings.


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Ecole du Louvre

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