
[A30] - XML Document Transformations with XSLT
David Durand, Ingenta, USA

Workshop: [A30] - XML Document Transformations with XSLT

XSLT (the W3C's XML Style and Transformation language) is becoming a key tool in the XML implementor's toolbox. XSLT provides an XML processing language tuned to the creation of XML transformations, and transformation is a key technique in building most document systems. The course is targeted towards anyone who knows something about XML and wants to see how it can be manipulated and processed in useful ways. In addition to pure transformations, we will take a look at XSL:FO (XSL Formatting Objects), a set of XML objects used to produce formatted documents for printing or web delivery.

Published: 09/01/03
Last updated:

This conference is one of the International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meetings (ICHIMs) held every two years since 1991. See for further details, and past Proceedings.


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