October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Sessions: Abstract


Enhancing the Role of Cultural Heritage Institutions through New Media: Transformational Agendas and Projects   go to paper

Kati Geber, Services Canada
David Bearman, Archives & Museum Informatics, Canada

Museums are responding to the challenges of adapting to an ever-changing environment in order to remain relevant to their visitors, communities, and stakeholders. New and emerging technology opportunities can support practices to adapt to this new environment. This paper presents a framework for transformation and a range of innovation scenarios offered by enabling technologies. The paper addresses opportunities based on technologies that are expected to be widely used within the next decade. It explores obstacles lying in the way of greater access to global cultural heritage and how these can be overcome. This paper is designed to be useful to decision-makers at memory institutions responsible for planning their direction in a rapidly changing technological environment and to serve as basis for discussion of business transformations with their staff.

Session: Technology Futures [Panel]

Keywords: technology, transformation, museums, business, audiences, networks