October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Liam Bannon


Liam Bannon

University of Limerick
Computer Science & Information Systems
Interaction Design Centre

Liam Bannon is Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems and Director of the Interaction Design Centre at the University of Limerick. He is a Fellow of the Irish Ergonomics Society, a Member of Irish Computer Society and ACM, and Irish representative on the IFIP Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (TC13). His background is in psychology and computer science, and he has been a research academic in Universities and research centres around the world, including Honeywell and Xerox EuroPARC, UK. His research interests range over a broad range of topics in human-machine systems, including cognitive ergonomics, human-computer interaction, computer-supported cooperative work, knowledge management, computer-supported collaborative learning, new media and interaction design, and social dimensions of new technologies. He has been an invited speaker at many international conferences in cognitive ergonomics, information systems, human factors, decision-support systems, interaction design, advanced automation, etc. Several of his articles have been anthologized in edited collections of HCI and CSCW research. He was a founding editor of CSCW: The Journal of Collaborative Computing and is, or has served on, the editorial boards of; Journal of Cognition, Technology, and Work; Requirements Engineering Journal, Universal Access in the Information Society Journal; International Journal of Cognitive Technology, International Journal of Web-Based Communities, Co-Design Journal, Behaviour and Information Technology Journal, and Journal of Computer Assisted Learning.

Liam will present Visitors' contributions as cultural heritage: designing for participation. [Paper]
Liam will present MUSTEL: Framing the Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Activities for Museum Visitors. [Paper]