October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Palmyre Pierroux


Palmyre Pierroux

University of Oslo
PB 1161 Blindern
0851 Norway

Palmyre Pierroux has a Bachelor's in Environmental Design from San Diego State University and a Master's in Art History from the University of Oslo in 1998. She has her PhD from the University of Oslo, with a dissertation titled Meaning, Learning, and Art in Museums. She is a member of the Kaleidoscope NoE, participating in the Mobile Learning SIG, and in MUSTEL. The latter explores theoretical approaches to understanding learning activities, and informal learning settings, with special emphasis on sociocultural approaches. She also participates in the EU-funded project Making National Museums (NaMU), a Maire Curie Series of Events. At InterMedia, Pierroux is involved in the Digital Design group, an initiative at the University of Oslo that explores through various projects how an interdisciplinary approach may inform and improve the design and use of digital technologies in public spaces, the home, and at work. She is currently working with designing wiki and mobile phone technologies to support learning across museum and school settings.

Palmyre will present MUSTEL: Framing the Design of Technology-Enhanced Learning Activities for Museum Visitors. [Paper]