October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Leora Kornfeld


Leora Kornfeld

1504 Duranleau Street
Vancouver BC
V6H 3R9 Canada

Leora Kornfeld's professional background spans broadcasting, content development, and user experience design and analysis. A network radio host with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation throughout the 1990s, she then transitioned to the area of conceptual development for technologically advanced exhibit spaces. In 2002 she founded Ubiquity Interactive to pursue the vision of personalized interactive media delivered on mobile devices. In Spring 2005, Ubiquity launched the VUEguide, a handheld multimedia museum guide with location-sensing capabilities. The VUEguide went on to receive the 2006 Gold Award for innovative cultural interpretation from the American Association of Museums. Most recently, Leora launched metroCode (www.metrocode.net (http://www.metrocode.net) ), a cell phone-based arts and entertainment application. In addition to her hands-on work with the design and production of the VUEguide and metroCode, she is active in the user experience research community, holding the position of Research Director with Vancouver’s Mobile MUSE consortium (http://www.mobilemuse.ca) ). She has participated in research summits at Intel, San Francisco’s Exploratorium, MIT, and Stanford University. Press coverage for her work with Ubiquity and metroCode includes CBC Radio 1, The National Post, The Globe & Mail, Marketing Magazine, City TV, Business in Vancouver, and The Georgia Straight. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts from the University of British Columbia and an M.A. in Media & Communications from the UK’s University of London, Goldsmiths College.

Leora will present Interaction models and adaptive approaches for a museum guide for families. [Paper]