October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Graham Howard


Graham Howard

Creative Director
Systems Simulations Limited
Bedford Chambers, The Piazza, Covent Garden
WC2E 8HA United Kingdom

Graham Howard is a designer, educator and content architect with a wide range of experience in both the academic and the commercial world. Starting as a conceptual artist working with Art & Language focussed upon logic and communication, he developed a special interest in the relationships between technologies and social change, broadcasting for the Open University on the impact of illustrated printed pamphlets in C17th England. He has run both the MA Electronic Graphics at Coventry and MA Computer Related Design at the Royal College of Art. In 1989 he started Art of Memory, a design consultancy specialising in multimedia. For the Open Society Institute he has devised and run an education and training programme in the new media for 34 countries. He has lectured and written papers on a wide range of topics from the role of metaphor in narrative communication to artificial intelligence. Since the late 1980s, with Art of Memory and later with System Simulation, he has been involved in the creation and production of a large number of interactive products from CD ROM and videodiscs to web portals with large distributed datasets. He specialises in knowledge architectures and interaction design. He is Design Director of System Simulation.

Graham will demonstrate Panoramic Collections Viewer (PCV). [Demonstration]