October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Jana Bradley


Jana Bradley

Professor and Director
University of Arizona
School of Information Resources & Library Science
1515 East First Street
Tucson AZ
85719 USA

Jana Bradley is Professor and Director of The University of Arizona School of Information Resources and Library Science. Jana serves as the principal investigator for the IMLS grant funding the school’s new Digital Information Management certificate program. Her current research includes reframing the notions of publishing and publication in the age of ubiquitous networking. She has worked for more than 35 years in the library and information field, in a range of different positions. For the first half of her career, she was a practicing librarian, holding positions in public, academic and health sciences libraries. Before coming to The University of Arizona, she has held faculty appointments at the University of Illinois, Indiana University and Syracuse University, combined with administrative positions at Indiana University and Syracuse University. She has held a 2-year fellowship in informatics at the National Library of Medicine and is a past president and fellow of the Medical Library Association.

Jana will introduce Teaching Digital Curation: A Functional Approach. [Briefing]