October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Christian Lahanier


Christian Lahanier

Head of Department
Documentation and Digital Imaging
Palais du Louvre, Porte des Lions
Paris Ile de France
75001 France

With a PhD in Physics, Christian Lahanier managed the department of Physics in charge of X-ray technologies at the LRMF for 15 years.

Head of Research at the LRMF in 1984, he set up a particle accelerator for non-destructive materials analysis. He then developed a multilingual documentary information system and high resolution imaging system with the support of the RTD EU programme (VASARI DGIII and NARCISSE Project in Telematics).

Head of the Information and Digital Imaging department of the C2RMF since 1994, he installed an Intranet for access to the scientific documentation and high-resolution imaging of the laboratory and conservation-restoration department.

Christian will present Archive Visualisation and Exploitation at the C2RMF. [Paper]