October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Ron Wakkary


Ron Wakkary

Simon Fraser University
School of Interactive Arts and Technology
2400 Central City
10153 King George Highway
Surrey BC
V3T 2W1 Canada

Ron Wakkary is Associate Professor in the School of Interactive Arts & Technology at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia. His primary research interests lie in design of interactive systems in the area of ubiquitous computing including responsive environments, personal technologies and tangible user interfaces, and the study of interaction design related methods and practice. He has previously been faculty in Interactive Arts at the Technical University of British Columbia, Surrey, B.C., and in Digital Design at the Parsons School of Design, New School University, New York, NY. Wakkary's research projects have focused on novel applications of interactive technology and investigations of new design methods in design with advanced interactive technologies. Such projects include a mobile-based social game for mobile communities, an adaptive audio and tangible user interface museum guide, an ambient intelligent environment for physical play, and a telematic ambient intelligent environment for play. He is currently researching the concept of "everyday design", a project funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and of adaptive museum guides for families in partnership with the Surrey Museum, Ubiquity Interactive, and Carleton University, funded by Canadian Culture Online Program, Canadian Heritage. He is the co-leader of the Interactivity Theme in the Canadian Design Research Network. He led the Am-I-able Network for Responsive and Mobile Environments, a research network in wearable and ambient intelligence computing, funded by Canadian Heritage.

Ron will present Interaction models and adaptive approaches for a museum guide for families. [Paper]