October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Leonie Hellmers


Leonie Hellmers

Project Director
The University of New South Wales
Dictionary of Australian Artists Online
PO Box 6456
University of NSW NSW
1466 Australia

Leonie is Project Director of the Dictionary of Australian Artists Online, a national partnership led by the University of NSW. Leonie has worked with digital content in the cultural sector since 1995 including as Project Manager of the CD-ROM project Under a Southern Sun for the National Gallery of Australia, Fairfax and Brainwave. She has joined the dots between the public and the programs of the Australia Council, the Australian Heritage Commission, and various companies. Prior to joining the DAAO, (pron. Dow) Leonie was Online Manager for the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra.

Leonie will introduce Dictionary of Australian Artists Online: Transforming Arts Research. [Briefing]