October 24-26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Speakers: Biography

Speaker: Angela Geary


Angela Geary

University of the Arts
SCIRIA Research Unit
Camberwell College of Art
Peckham Road
London London
SE58UF United Kingdom

Dr. Angela Geary is Reader in Virtual Interpretation of Cultural Heritage at University of the Arts London. Her research interests span art and science, with activities including 3D digitisation in fine art practice, modelling structural stress in sculpture and multi-sensory interaction. Her current research projects include FELSSO - an AHRC and Henry Moore Foundation funded project in collaboration with Imperial College and Tate, exploring the application of 3D scanning and engineering analysis to predict structural damage in stone sculpture and Oil&Air - a practice led exploration of the impact of old and new energy production industries funded by the Rootstein Hopkins Foundation.

Since the mid 1990s, Dr. Geary has pioneered the development of accessible 3D computer visualisation techniques for the documentation and interpretation of cultural heritage collections. In 2005, she led the VEMDis team to win a finalist's prize in the National Research Councils UK Business Plan Awards for a scheme to commercialise a novel augmented reality display device for museums. She is now a co-director of VEMDis Ltd., a UAL spin out company, founded to develop augmented reality display technology and services for museums. She provides consultation services to a range of museums and collections including Historic Royal Palaces, the National Trust and the Museum of London.

Angela will present Creative Limits: Applying Finite Element Analysis to Assess Static Stress in a Large-Scale Stone Sculpture by Henry Moore. [Paper]